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Community & Business Partners are thrilled to be partnering with Team Academy in delivering the next Your Business Bootcamp. For any business owners, managers and leaders this event can’t be missed.

Team Academy was born because Rachel, Team Academy’s founder and Director of Awesomeness, saw there was a gap in the training arena. An opportunity to deliver training in a way that ensured every person who walked into the room was engaged in the training, where human connection was the most important element of the experience.

Every learning experience with Team Academy is a combination of an interactive activity grounded in theory, some high energy, some highly reflective – all designed to disrupt thinking, to hold up the mirror to what we do now and explore where there is value in doing things differently. To achieve that we hold each person, and the amazing individual that they are, at the heart of everything we do.

As Rachel says life is too short for boring training, with over 140 year’s of experience between the trainers and over 100,000 people trained this event will be one to remember.

Team Academy will be running 4 highly impactful workshops throughout the day that will improve how you communicate, understand about the power of a positive mindset, and help improve your relationships. Tonnes for you to take away and your team!

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